In 2018, the Santa Monica Pier contracted Think Tank to explore the nature of dreams during a "revolving, shape-shifting series" of art works at the western edge of the continent. The project was titled Sea-Saw.
The series will "materialized" in an elevated performance space at the western edge of the century-old wooden landmark, staged in a room with three walls of windows facing the Pacific Ocean, backed by a fourth wall of mirrors. During the six week run, seven artists and performance collectives showcased their answers to the question, "what happens upon reaching the furthest possible point of waking aspirations, or discovering the meaning of a recurring dream that visits every few nights?"
"Los Angeles is the final resting place of many dreams, both realized and incomplete. To overlook the ocean in Los Angeles is to ponder the aspirations and secret thoughts of many generations of dreamers, and the furthest point one can chase those dreams beneath the setting sun is the Santa Monica Pier, perched upon that ocean. Inhabiting this westernmost point of Los Angeles, the view from this room depicts one thing from every vantage point: the wonder of the ocean.”
– Read more from curator Jacob Patterson here.